Hyperopia or long sightedness

A condition where far objects are clear, but there is difficulty focusing on objects at near, and can particularly affect those on screens for any length of time. We can supply the appropriate spectacles to help this; adding anti-glare, or device specific blue light coatings will further help alleviate tired and red eyes.

Myopia or short-sightedness

The loss of ability to focus on distant objects. Correction would be required in the form of distance glasses or contact lenses, which can often be removed to read as short-sighted patients see better at near distances.

This is very topical at the moment, because the statistics are showing that it is on the increase, particularly in children. The experts feel that it has a lot to do with the amount of time children spend on screens! So our main message on childhood myopia is GET OUT AND PLAY!!!

Presbyopia, or “old “ sightedness

One of the most common reasons for people to seek an eye examination… even if you’ve never needed glasses before.

Presbyopia is a gradual loss of ability to focus on close work, and is a natural part of the ageing process.  Presbyopia is a condition that will affect everyone to some extent, we actively manage this in a gradual manner, so it develops as slowly as possible, starting with simple reading glasses and moving on to more sophisticated, multifocal lens solutions.

Dry eye

The best place to start to try and alleviate these symptoms is with an eye exam, as sometimes an uncorrected prescription can add to the problem.  Dry eye drops, heat masks and lid hygiene methods can be used for more persistent or chronic cases.

A condition that has been on the rise, especially since the onset of the pandemic, with people working longer hours, at home on VDU screens. Dry eye patients will suffer from sore, gritty, dry eyes, which can be very uncomfortable day to day.